Poster Generator

If you have booked our band for a public event, you can use this application to create a publicity poster.

Event Promoter


1. Amend fields as necessary.
2. Click the  "Create Poster" button.  This  will generate a screen of thumbnail poster styles on a new web page.
3. Click the thumbnail style of your choice. Your selection will be displayed full-sized on a new web page.
4. Review your poster. If it's not OK, click the "back button" on your browser to return to the thumbnails screen, and (if necessary), click the "back button" again to return to the data entry screen.
5. If your poster looks OK,  right-click the image, choose "Save picture as" to save your poster as JPEG file. You can then use this JPEG in packages such as Microsoft Word/Publisher  to adjust the size etc., prior to printing. If you prefer, you can print the image directly from your web browser. Be aware  that headers and footers specified in your browser will also be printed.  (In Internet Explorer, you can amend or blank out these headers via: File =>  Page Setup).

Event Titles
Venue Address
Ticket Price(s)
Drinks Options


Poster Generator - Terms of Use

This poster-generator application is licensed free-of-charge to bona-fide event organisers for the purposes of generating and printing posters to promote events for which the Jig Mad Wolf Ceilidh Band has been booked. 

It may also be used by anyone else for evaluation purposes, providing that any output saved or printed is destroyed immediately following the evaluation.

Any other use of this software is strictly prohibited. 

© 2005- - Jig Mad Wolf Ceilidh Band This page updated:
06 February 2019